Remember to check out each submission on your own, I’m just throwing out some suggestions I’ve found!
For our second anthology we are proposing to do a collection of original fairy tales.
Original fairy tales were a lot darker than the tales that appear in children’s books and well known animation films today. In Cinderella for instance the ugly sisters chopped of their toes to fit their feet into the glass slipper.
I would like you to use the elements of fairy tales, woods, children, witches, wolves, etc but craft a dark original tale that would fit in with the fairy tales of old.
There is no word count for this but try make it longer than 500 words and shorter than 10,000.
Any questions email
We are accepting both short fiction and poetry submissions!
Our magazine is an SFWA-certified professional market.
We now use HeyPublisher to manage our submissions. If you already have an account, you’re set. If not, you can easily create a free account when submitting your work.
Apex Magazine Guidelines
Short Stories:
1) Use this form to submit your work.
2) Maximum word length a firm 7,500 words.
3) Payment is .05 per word.
4) We do not accept reprints.
Short Stories:
1) Use this form to submit your work.
2) Maximum word length a firm 7,500 words.
3) Payment is .05 per word.
4) We do not accept reprints.
Future Lovecraft will open to submissions for short stories and poetry from May 1 to June 30, 2011. Do not send any submissions before this date. Yes, we mean it.
The anthology will be available in print and as an e-book, and is edited by the eldritch duo of Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles.
What We Want
Lovecraftian science fiction stories. ‘Lovecraftian’ can include Mythos elements, but we have a broader view of what Lovecraftian means. Interpret and distill it. Stories may be set in the near future or distant future. They may be cyberpunk, biopunk, space opera, dystopic, post-apocalyptic, or any other flavor of science fiction.
We are looking for thoughtful, earnest fiction. We like stories that make the ordinary unfamiliar, that introduce us to new ways of seeing and being in the world, stories that move us without aiming for stock reactions. We’re interested in the inner lives of characters: their intimate challenges and relationships, and whatever these struggles might say about larger issues or ideas.
Submissions should be short fiction or novel excerpts between 2,000 to 9,000 words.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Submissions should be in .RTF format.
Please be sure to provide your name and email address on the first page.
Because we’re confident that more good fiction is being written today than is being published, we especially encourage submissions from emerging and previously unpublished writers.
Sorry, but we’re not interested in erotica, horror, romance, inspirational, or other genre fiction. That said, literary fiction that plays with generic conventions is welcome.
Night Terrors II
Night Terrors is back!
And volume two is going to take terror to a new level. Like volume I, this second volume will be an open themed anthology of horror. Meaning we want stories from all topics and subcategories of horror. Including, but not limited to: psychological, creatures, paranormal, and gore. Remember, evil has no boundaries and neither do we! Nothing is off limits, so take advantage of the freedom. Science fiction and dark fantasy* will be considered as long as it has a strong element of horror. Try to avoid classic horror conventions/monsters (vampires, werewolves, and zombies), unless you incorporate a unique twist.
Third person stories are preferred but we’ll read first person stories as long as they are well done or integral to the plot.
Stories can range from 750 – 4500 words firm and must be rooted in the realms of horror/dark fiction.