Today’s blog is FUN FRIDAY! I’ve given over the post to my friend Taria Reed, a up and coming Book Cover designer. I know you’ve seen her work on the internet already, so I asked her a few questions!
Enjoy & Comment!
How did you get involved in cover design?
I always loved looking at beautiful covers. For years I spent countless afternoons in Barnes & Noble drooling over all the covers in every genre. Last January I started photographing stock for stock sites. I would see my photos and create digital art photo manipulations just for fun. I worked with design and Photoshop in my photography business ( so one day I was asked to do a cover for a self published author who followed my art work on twitter. I loved that process and from there I decided that this is something I could do professionally. I started looking up tutorials and learning about the book design and publishing process. Once I felt I was up to par I sent inquiry letters to a few publishers and here I am today doing something I love very much.

What artists inspire you?Art in general inspires me. I could see a photograph and think how great that would look manipulated into a cover, or I can hear a song and think of a scene that would be great for a cover using that song as inspiration. With all that said, I wanna be Dan Dos Santos or Tony Mauro when I grow up.
What are your favorite type of book covers to design and why?
I would LOVE to get more into romance covers, but I seem to excel at young adult and concept covers. Young adult covers hard at times because you have to bring this book to life without it being all sexed up. It’s easy to take a hot shirtless and stick him on a cover with a wolf, a sword, or a hot chick (not that I’m knocking that…lol.). I like doing any cover that challenges me artistically.
If you could be an exclusive cover designer for any author or publisher who would it be?
I am thankful for every publisher and author I get to work with, but I’d LOVE to be a part of the St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster, Random House, or Carina Press team. Oh wait, that’s more than one, “Dammit Jim, I’m an artist not a mathematician”…lol.
Awesome post Taria!! I really love the shifter art, makes me want to write something for them! LOL
Thanks for participating!