I’m sure sitting at the computer will not help my headache, but I promised myself I’d get back into writing some blogs. So here I am.
It’s been a while since I’ve done any type of writing update but most of you already know Lucky’s Charm has been picked up by Wild Child Publishing! I noticed their open submission status on Duotrope (<--Authors you need to sign up for that) and submitted the very first day they opened for their reading period. Well, it worked! The submissions editor suggested a couple of changes to the beginning and wanted to make sure I knew how to edit and take direction, then POOF! I had a contract! Would you believe, two days later another publisher wanted Lucky? When it rains it pours, eh? Well, the second publisher mentioned in their email that I could submit short stories before the book was published. I wrote back, explaining I already contacted out to another publisher but would love to submit a short story when I had one. She said to send it directly to her when and if I did! Sweet. So I wrote a story that’s been in my head for a while. The short came out great. I surprised myself to be honest. But like all of Jenn’s ideas, this one blew up in my head! The characters want another story. Go figure. I’m working out the details for a sequel to the first short and trying to keep in short story format, though I think these characters want a book. We’ll see. I submitted my newest novel MIND: The Beginning to Harlequin after meeting an editor at my November LSFW’s meeting. The editor told me there were too many genres mushed in for her to market it properly, but she loved the concept. Ah, back to those comments again. I heard that over and over with Lucky!
It probably isn’t Harlequin material to be honest. They’re not big on the Sci-Fi side of things just yet. I’m going to read through it and edit once more, then probably send it off to the agent I met at the meeting!
Tiva is still our with four publishers. No news just yet, but I’ve got my fingers crossed!
Are you writing? Submitting? Tell me! I’d like to know.