Yeah, yeah, I was supposed to be back on Friday with a Weds-Thursday recap, but I forgot.
Bad blogger.
I know.
It looks like Wednesdays are my new Mondays, prior to 24 that is. I remember when NOTHING was on Monday. At least Criminal Minds is back this week.
I did watch Survivor, I’ll always watch Survivor, but not for the reason most people do. I’m a people watcher. It’s helpful when trying to write realistic characters who are very different. Survivor brings all kinds of people on the show. Utopia tried to do that, but left me feeling meh.
Scandal – The White Hat is back on! I honestly thought they would make us wait a whole episode or maybe two before Olivia came back for real, but this is Shondaland, everything happens at breakneck speeds, which I should be used to by now, but sometimes it still surprises me. How about the tension in those last few mins between Fitz and Oliva. Wow. Hot. I don’t agree with all the aspects of their relationship, but they have some off the charts chemistry even when they’re not looking at each other.
How To Get Away With Murder – This was probably the best pilot I’ve seen in ages. It was weird and quirky and creepy and funny and with a whole lot of open questions that beg to be answered. I don’t want to give anything away, but again, this is Shondaland, so you never have to wait very long for some answers. This one is a keeper!
I haven’t watched Revenge yet. I hope it’s good.
Once Upon A Time – Good start to the season, however, I’m really tired of the writers treating Regina like a ping pong ball. Let her be good for a little while, jeeze would it kill ya? She worked SO hard to overcome her crappy past, finally has friends in Storybrooke, and the respect of her son, and so what does she do about losing Robin? Turn full tilt evil again? Bleh. Other than that, I like Emma and Hook and his lack of knowledge of the present, makes for funny moments of dialogue.
The Simpsons – The season opener was okay, the cross over with Family Guy was brilliant. It poked fun at all of us and all of them. How fun!
Castle – Why do writers of TV show insist on treating their long time viewers like idiots? Every single person who watches Castle would NEVER in a million years believe that Kate, Espo, and Ryan would think Castle was “in on it” that quickly and with those few pieces of “evidence”. No, after the 2 month montage, I’d more more inclined to believe it. Either way, I’m glad this season will give us a little more Castle background. He’s a much more interesting character than everyone else on the show considering they’re all the same type of character on every other cop show.
So those are the season premiers I’ve watched so far. What are you loving so far? What are you already taking off your watch list? No spoilers!