Most of you know I’ve been out of work for a while. It has given me the chance to do some heavy writing for sure! However, in between searching for a job every day, writing, and doing side projects, I rediscovered my love for advertising.
When I was younger and my father was building up his tax business, he bought a computer. I was SO excited. It was early in the 90’s, not many people had personal computers then, but we had them in school and I knew how to use one. Of course, it just so happened that we were getting ours delivered the day I had my wisdom teeth pulled out.
I remember lying in my dad’s bedroom, in pain…mostly from my mouth, but also from my thigh where a nurse gave me anti-vomit medication so I wouldn’t barf out my stitches. (It took the better part of 10 years for the numbness to return to that spot in my leg, but that’s another story.) Well, I didn’t barf, but I was tired. Didn’t matter. The moment that doorbell rang, I was up and ready to put the computer together and show my father how to work it.
He was impressed, I was kinda proud to teach my dad something too.
Anyway, after I got on Prodigy with our super slow 28 baud modem (yeah, that’s right!), I showed my father other programs on the computer and what they could do. A few years passed, his business started to boom and he wanted a newsletter. Sweet!
I taught myself how to work a few old Microsoft Programs and created flyers and newsletters for the business. Totally hooked! I made coupons and pamphlets, even labels and business cards. It was a lot of fun and great for my creative juices!
I never really thought about it as a career. I want to be a singer back then. A “different” kind of Debbie Gibson, but that never worked out…
When my dreams of being a singer died (way before Idol), I turned to English and writing. It was my second passion.
I should have gone into advertising. I still love making flyers and brochures, coupons and newsletters. I love putting graphics together on a page to make some special.
After I decided I wanted to take writing seriously, I made a webpage. I honestly don’t remember what the first few looked like, but I’m sure they were very bad. But I like to learn and HTML wasn’t about to be me down, so I figured out the basics. Internet can teach you anything these days!
In the past few months I’ve been adding to my advertising skill and learned how to write proper press release, media advisories, specified content, and a plethora of other nifty things that I never thought I would know.
I’m a guru when it comes to social media and making a presence on the internet. Type in my name and the majority of the first page is me and some country radio chick. I did that all on my own. No agent, manager, or publicity specialist. Just little ol’ me.
So my friend and I decided to start our own little promotional company. Now I’m using all the skill I’ve learned the last twenty years to help others and having a blast doing it.
That’s the site! My sister is involved too, doing computer repairs and networking stuff that still goes over my head.
I’m super excited! We have a few small business clients we’re already working on and I’m loving every second of it. I remember that feeling I had when my first website went up. There are still many businesses and authors out there with no internet presences and I’m glad I can make it easy and affordable for anyone to be on the web!
Okay, yeah, this is a half-advertisement post, but as a writer aren’t all of my blogs advertising anyway?
Shoot me an email if you like what you see and want a quote. Maybe I can help!
Ah, I like that change! Thanks LoriMarie!!
What about taking out the after and jumping right in?
Dina Ranger has lost telepatic contact with her twin brother, Duncan.
Next sentence – use an emotion (Annoyed, panicked, etc) Annoyed, she breaks into his apartment…
It’s something I would read. Good luck on the project.
Added just for you and ended up revamping my blog. LOL!
Hey techno Geek. Nice post, but add a share me gadget so I can easily share this on twitter, etc.